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Generic plot matrix
ggpairs(): Pairwise plot matrix
ggduo(): Two-grouped plot matrix
ggmatrix(): Plot matrix
ggally_*(): List of available high-level plots
Specialized plot matrix
ggbivariate(): Plot an outcome with several potential explanatory variables
ggnostic(): Model diagnostics
ggscatmat(): Numeric pairwise plot matrix
ggtable(): Cross-tabulated tables
stat_*(): Additional statistics for ggplot2
Specialized ggplot2 plot
ggcoef_model(): Model coefficients
ggcoef(): Model coefficients
ggnetworkmap(): Network + map plot
ggsurv(): Survival curves
glyphs(): Glyph plot
Generic plot matrix
ggpairs(): Pairwise plot matrix
ggduo(): Two-grouped plot matrix
ggmatrix(): Plot matrix
ggally_*(): List of available high-level plots
Specialized plot matrix
ggbivariate(): Plot an outcome with several potential explanatory variables
ggnostic(): Model diagnostics
ggscatmat(): Numeric pairwise plot matrix
ggtable(): Cross-tabulated tables
stat_*(): Additional statistics for ggplot2
Specialized ggplot2 plot
ggcoef_model(): Model coefficients
ggcoef(): Model coefficients
ggnetworkmap(): Network + map plot
ggsurv(): Survival curves
glyphs(): Glyph plot