This data is from a paper by Forina, Armanino, Lanteri, Tiscornia (1983) Classification of Olive Oils from their Fatty Acid Composition, in Martens and Russwurm (ed) Food Research and Data Anlysis. We thank Prof. Michele Forina, University of Genova, Italy for making this dataset available.


A 572 x 10 numeric array


  • region Three super-classes of Italy: North, South and the island of Sardinia

  • area Nine collection areas: three from North, four from South and 2 from Sardinia

  • palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidic, eicosenoic fatty acids percent x 100


#>   region          area palmitic palmitoleic stearic oleic linoleic linolenic
#> 1      1 North-Apulia      1075          75     226  7823      672        36
#> 2      1 North-Apulia      1088          73     224  7709      781        31
#> 3      1 North-Apulia       911          54     246  8113      549        31
#> 4      1 North-Apulia       966          57     240  7952      619        50
#> 5      1 North-Apulia      1051          67     259  7771      672        50
#> 6      1 North-Apulia       911          49     268  7924      678        51
#>   arachidic eicosenoic
#> 1        60         29
#> 2        61         29
#> 3        63         29
#> 4        78         35
#> 5        80         46
#> 6        70         44
animate_xy(olive[, c(7, 9, 10)])
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 533

animate_xy(olive[, c(7, 9, 10)], col = olive[, 1])
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 533