Animate a 2D tour path with a scatterplot.

  center = TRUE,
  axes = "center",
  half_range = NULL,
  col = "black",
  pch = 20,
  cex = 1,
  edges = NULL,
  edges.col = "black",
  edges.width = 1,
  obs_labels = NULL,
  palette = "Zissou 1",

animate_xy(data, tour_path = grand_tour(), ...)



if TRUE, centers projected data to (0,0). This pins the center of data cloud and make it easier to focus on the changing shape rather than position.


position of the axes: center, bottomleft or off


half range to use when calculating limits of projected. If not set, defaults to maximum distance from origin to each row of data.


color to use for points, can be a vector or hexcolors or a factor. Defaults to "black".


shape of the point to be plotted, can be a factor or integer. Defaults to 20.


size of the point to be plotted. Defaults to 1.


A two column integer matrix giving indices of ends of lines.


colour of edges to be plotted, Defaults to "black"


line width for edges, default 1


vector of text labels to display


name of color palette for point colour, used by hcl.colors, default "Zissou 1"


other arguments passed on to animate and display_xy


matrix, or data frame containing numeric columns


tour path generator, defaults to 2d grand tour


animate_xy(flea[, 1:6])
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

animate(flea[, 1:6], tour_path = grand_tour(), display = display_xy())
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

animate(flea[, 1:6],
  tour_path = grand_tour(),
  display = display_xy(),
  scale = TRUE
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

animate(flea[, 1:6],
  tour_path = grand_tour(),
  display = display_xy(half_range = 0.5)
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.

animate_xy(flea[, 1:6], tour_path = little_tour())
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

animate_xy(flea[, 1:3], tour_path = guided_tour(holes()), sphere = TRUE)
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Value  0.857   0.9 % better  - NEW BASIS
#> Using half_range 3.2

animate_xy(flea[, 1:6], center = FALSE)
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 323

# The default axes are centered, like a biplot, but there are other options
animate_xy(flea[, 1:6], axes = "bottomleft")
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

animate_xy(flea[, 1:6], axes = "off")
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

animate_xy(flea[, 1:6], dependence_tour(c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2)),
  axes = "bottomleft"
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

animate_xy(flea[, -7], col = flea$species)
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

animate_xy(flea[, -7], col = flea$species,
             pch = flea$species)
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

animate_xy(flea[, -7], col = flea$species,
  obs_labels=as.character(1:nrow(flea)), axes="off")
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66

# You can also draw lines
edges <- matrix(c(1:5, 2:6), ncol = 2)
  flea[, 1:6], grand_tour(),
  display_xy(axes = "bottomleft", edges = edges)
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 66