The dependence tour combines a set of independent 1d tours to produce a nd tour. For the special case of 2d, this is known as a correlation tour. This tour corresponds to the multivariate method known as generalised canonical correlation, and is used to investigate dependence between groups of variables.
a numeric vector describing which variables are mapped to which dimensions: 1 corresponds to first, 2 to second etc.
Usually, you will not call this function directly, but will pass it to
a method that works with tour paths like animate
or render
animate_xy(flea[, 1:3], dependence_tour(c(1, 2, 2)))
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 3.5
animate_xy(flea[, 1:4], dependence_tour(c(1, 2, 1, 2)))
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 3.7
animate_pcp(flea[, 1:6], dependence_tour(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3)))
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.