This is a novel method for finding more interesting projections for the
guided tour. It works by first taking a small step in n
directions, and then picking the direction that looks most promising
(based on the height of the index function), which is effectively a gradient search.
Then it performs a linear search along the geodesic in that direction,
traveling up to half way around the sphere.
alpha = 1,
max.tries = 5,
n = 5,
delta = 0.01,
cur_index = NA
starting projection
maximum distance to travel (currently ignored)
interestingness index function
the counter of the outer loop of the opotimiser
maximum number of failed attempts before giving up
other arguments being passed into the search_geodesic()
number of random steps to take to find best direction
step size for evaluation of best direction
index value for starting projection, set NA if it needs to be calculated
You should not to have call this function directly, but should supply it
to the guided_tour
as a search strategy.
animate_xy(flea[, 1:6], guided_tour(holes(), search_f = search_geodesic))
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Target: 0.629, 68.5% better
#> Using half_range 4.4