The guided anomaly tour is a variation of the guided tour that is using an ellipse to determine anomalies on which to select target planes.
d = 2,
alpha = 0.5,
cooling = 0.99,
max.tries = 25,
max.i = Inf,
ellc = NULL,
ellmu = NULL,
search_f = search_geodesic,
the section pursuit index function to optimise. The function needs to take two arguments, the projected data, indexes of anomalies.
target dimensionality
the initial size of the search window, in radians
the amount the size of the search window should be adjusted by after each step
the maximum number of unsuccessful attempts to find a better projection before giving up
the maximum index value, stop search if a larger value is found
pxp variance-covariance matrix defining ellipse, default NULL. Useful for comparing data with some hypothesized null.
This can be considered the equivalent of a critical value, used to scale the ellipse larger or smaller to capture more or fewer anomalies. Default 3.
This is the centre of the ellipse corresponding to the mean of the normal population. Default vector of 0's
the search strategy to use
arguments sent to the search_f
Usually, you will not call this function directly, but will pass it to
a method that works with tour paths like animate_xy
or render
for an example of an index functions.
, search_better
for different search strategies
animate_xy(flea[, 1:6], guided_anomaly_tour(anomaly_index(),
ellipse=cov(flea[,1:6])), ellipse=cov(flea[,1:6]), axes="off")
#> Converting input data to the required matrix format.
#> Using half_range 4.4
#> Target: 7.150, 6.0% better
#> Using half_range 4.4
#> Using ellc = 13